Let's suppose my son comes from 23 generations of prize-fighters. Our family gets separated and he is forced to learn to fight from the descendant of a student of some competing training-camp. What if the founder of that training-camp learned all their valuable skills and techniques from my great-great grandfather, but their founder left no written record of that study and accomplishment? What if records were left by students of that rival camp's founder, who passed those down from generation-to-generation leaving out any reference to their founder receiving that training from my great-great grandfather? Could my son, then, inherit from those teachers the same valuable wisdom he would have gained from his fore-fathers or would he likely receive something of less value?
Greeks are credited with being the founding fathers of Western civilization. Consequently, the Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras is credited with being the founding father or Mathematics and Numerology. The problem with this is two-fold. First, Pythagoras never left a written record of his accomplishments or what specifically led to those accomplishments. Second, evidence does exist which proves that Pythagoras studied nearly 20-years in the mystery schools of ancient Egypt. So, how could he be the father of anything legitimate, when history records that he studied for 20 years elsewhere and wrote nothing down? Pythagoras simply does not past the test of paternity.
In the modern world, we tend to follow patterns devoid of true paternity. I call these constructs "fate-based systems". A fate-based system is one that offers the illusion of choice, when the reality is that those choices are confined to that system. If numerology pre-dated Pythagoras, yet he is given credit, then why? It is because the modern world was constructed on the idea of Western Imperialism. The Greeks adapted systems from more ancient cultures. The Greco-Roman Empire became the Holy Roman Empire. The Holy Roman Empire became the Church and established Western science, which touts accepted dogma and the merits of new, empirical evidence as scientific proof. Our metaphysical view is even decidedly Western, because our schools build solely upon the philosophy of those founding fathers.
So, while we have the illusion of evolutionary continuity with respect to philosophy and the sciences, much of the ancient foundation on which modern spirituality, philosophy and science are built has been hidden from us or is lost to us. What has been offered to us are fate-based systems that work within the present illusionary construct of reality. These systems fit within the framework of western-rule and do not allow for a true seizing of individual or collective destiny, divine or otherwise. In other words, we are trapped in a matrix.
In writing the Book of Numbers, I chose to deviate from the pattern of derivative work. I recognize that it would be easier to author a numerology work that agrees with all the others. But, the Book of Numbers is something new and different. There are reasons why one means X and two means Y. Fate-based information has hidden some of the knowledge that would liberate us from confinement to the present system. One cannot say the information is "wrong", because it works within the framework of the system. However, that information will not get us beyond the confines of that system.
Many of us feel we hit an invisible wall at-times - that there is just no getting beyond a certain level in our growth and development. What you are perceiving are the parameters upon which the system is based. Pushing beyond those parameters is nearly impossible without the tools with which to see beyond those parameters. Destiny-based numerology and astrology offer us two of those tools. All human behavior can be seen to fit patterns. That which enables us to transcend and transform those patterns changes the world. But, who wants to be the father and mother of the New World?! That's the question.
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