Saturday, February 20, 2016

Reincarnation: A Chance To Do It All Again

When the Church chose to leave the concept of reincarnation out of its official dogma, we lost our ability to see how our past has a significant effect upon the present. If the use of drugs and alcohol by our parents can affect our genetic predisposition to adopt those same behaviors, it stands to reason that the scourge of war has a devastating effect on human physiology and behavior as well. It stands to reason that we have a predisposition to getting even, striking back and wiping the enemy off the face of the Earth that result from over 5,000 years of war.

And, while we can faintly recognize this effect as being passed from generation to generation via the gene pool, we are absolutely blind-sided to the effect that war has on the souls of men who live to die to return again through the process of reincarnation. For all of recorded history, civilizations modern and ancient have recognized that reincarnation is a reality. And, where we don't learn from the patterns of past-lives, those patterns are repeated in subsequent lives until we evolve beyond them.

I was reading an article in the UK Daily Mail on the Battle of Verdun in World War I - how 750,000 lives were lost in that 303 days of fighting. The article records that Ernst Toller wrote, "We were cogs in a great machine which sometimes rolled forward, nobody knew where, sometimes backwards, nobody knew why." That statement is sure proof of our unconscious consent to continue in this pattern.

Another French soldier wrote, "‘What a bloodbath, what horrid images, what a slaughter! Hell cannot be this dreadful." So, it would seem that in some ways we create our own hells, including the killing fields that play host to the generations of men. And, when given a chance to do it all again, we so willingly oblige. We think that "getting it right" means winning and continue in a pattern of personal self-destruction. Well, getting it right is ending the pattern of self-destruction that knows no right or wrong, only here and gone. It is not cowardice to abolish war, but the sensible policy of an evolved race. It's far-past the time to make let's 'do it all again' mean something new for all of humanity.

James Will M. Power

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