Saturday, January 30, 2016

When the Planets Align, Strange Things Begin to Happen

There is much talk about the planetary alignment that will be visible overhead from January 20th to February 23rd of this year. For the first time in ten years, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Venus and Mercury can be seen in the south-eastern sky in the early morning hours. Researchers have observed that heliocentric alignments of this kind combined with Earth-facing solar eruptions are triggers for major earthquakes on our planet. They are not exactly sure why, but years of data suggests there is a definite correlation.

Interestingly enough, these alignments also seem to have an effect on human behavior. Emergency-room nurses and doctors report a definite spike in the number of patients they see on nights of the full-moon - that something about the full moon has an effect upon human behavior. I write a little bit about the possible reason for this phenomenon in my book By the Numbers: Number Secrets Revealed. Well, it has also been my observation that people go a little bit crazy when planets align. Perhaps, these heavenly bodies are better in their own orbits - that there is some miniscule effect realized when the planets cross paths.

To use an analogy, imagine someone switching lanes on the highway. You take notice and adjust accordingly. Now, imagine five cars switching lanes. There is some sense of alarm because this is not a usual happening. If other planetary bodies have an effect on our planet, perhaps the planets also have an effect each individual's emotional and mental state.

After one-hundreds of years of searching, scientists may have discovered evidence of gravitational wave signals theorized by Albert Einstein. Einstein theorized that these gravitational waves have the effect of causing ripples in space-time. So, in much the same way as the sun effects our planetary orbit, it is quite possible that the other planets have some small effect on the orbit of our planet also.

This would lend credence to astrologers who (while not having solid, scientific evidence supporting the claim of the influence other planets have on our own) have stated that the planets indeed influence our behavior and experiences. To me, celebrities are like markers, buoys in the global landscape. Observations made at a microcosmic level can sometimes be an indicator of what's happening on a macrocosmic level. Because media has made celebrity so visible, we have access to these markers.  

So, when Kanye West and Wiz Khalifa got into an epic "Twitter beef", I noticed that there was a significant planetary alignment that accompanied it. I also noticed that rapper B.O.B. and Neil deGrasse-Tyson had a Twitter feud. And, then Martin Shkreli threatened Ghostface Killah via social media. Rob Kardashian sparked controversy in announcing he is dating Blac Chyna. Then, Blac Chyna got herself arrested. Valentin 'Val' Chmerkovskiy of Dancing With the Stars is being sued after posting a meme featuring an overweight 16-year old girl. I could go on-and-on.

What does any of this have to do with you? Well, researchers place buoys at a great distance from the shore. Each buoy sends back a signal when some significant wave crosses its path. So, when you see all kinds of unexplained craziness happening in some sphere of human life, it could be indicative of a pattern. And, if you can discover the pattern, you can decide either to ride the wave or get out of its path.

Might these celebrities have avoided all of this non-sense if they knew it was coming? If we approach planetary alignments with the same caution as we do full-moons or Mercury Retrograde, could this have the effect of reducing the amount of non-sense we unwittingly endure? Who knows? What I do know is - when the planets align, strange things begin to happen. And, those strange things appear to have a root in our interaction with one-another.

I think the Book of James in the Bible offers the best advice in this regard:  

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger, for the anger of man works not the righteousness of God." James 1:19-20

J. Power

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